Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby

Alexis Grace turned "2" on November 10. We had her party on the 8 because Matt has to work late on weeknights currently. The party was a success. We had some Tastefully Simple dips, cake, homemade pie (crust even), ice cream and drinks! We just invited family because for anyone that has been to our house you know our living room cannot handle more than like 2 people.

She enjoyed eating and singing and opening presents. She was excited all day for her party. We kept telling her it did not start until everyone had arrived. When people started coming she knew it was her time to shine! She was fine until she realized that everyone would be watching her.

She loves putting money in her bank, so we had to slow that down or we could have been opening presents until midnight.
Enojoy the lovely pictures.

Her actual birthday was an adventure as well. It started with Aiden having a fever or 102 the night before and with Alexis and I receiving flu shots, then I had to take him to the doctor so I dropped her off at Memaw's for her very first tea party. My mom said that was funny. They ended up with tea on the floor and Alexis dressed up in jewelry, hat and big clothes. Mom has pictures on her phone, which unfortunately do not upload very clearly! I may give them a look.
So, all in all I am thankful that we planned her party for Saturday because we would have had to cancel yesterday.

I am so blessed even when my children are sick. Still running a fever this morning a little, it may help if the little guy would actually swallow any of his medicine. As you pray, remember my kids. Until next time...keep your eyes continually on Jesus and how He continues to bless each and every one of us. Especially in the little things that we so easily overlook.


I think this girl loves to eat! She definitely enjoyed the
chocolate ice cream! (she calls it "scream").


This is the sweet face we most generally see and the face
right before we sang to her. She does not like all eyes on
her and to be the center of attention. She also tends to
freak out a little when people laugh at her.

The little Chef

Here Alexis is make coffee or "woffee" as she so states.
This is her first kitchen that Memaw found at a Swayzee
Days for a killer deal! She loves it and often tells me she's
cooking when I want her to do something else. It is quite funny.
Shhhh...don't tell her that though.

The Cake

Well, here is the amazing birthday cake. Yes, Mommy baked the double layer round cake (shockingly remembering to cut the top of the bottom layer off with fishing line). I added food coloring to the icing and wrote on my first cake ever! The funny part is I put the writing utensil out of the end of a ziploc bag. Thus sharing a Christmas idea that I might need some cake decorating materials.
Alexis really enjoyed the Tinkerbell plates and didn't really eat cake. She liked the ice cream.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Halloween...I know a lot of people have chosen not to take part because of what this holiday stands for, however what a great testimony to have our kids go from church to church and hear other kids say..."Mom, thanks for bringing us to church." When I heard that young boy say that we were on our second hay ride at Sunnycrest. People were asking all sorts of questions and loving that the hay ride was so perfect. The weather was fantastic.

Halloween was quite an adventure for us. It all began the Sunday before at Faith Baptist "Trunk or Treat" (which was fabulous). It would have been perfect had they had nicer weather. She was able to see all of her friends and Memaw proudly paraded her around to show everyone what a cute fairy (our version of Tinkerbell) we had.

Then Halloween night we dressed the kids up and headed to Pepaw an Nana's. We had some great pictures taken and started the evening off to our first of 3 church trunk or treats. We don't intend on church hopping to gain all of the candy we can. We were heading out to have a safe enjoyable evening and see some friends along the way. We ate some free food and Alexis was a trip. She didn't care who you were, if you were big you were supposed to put something in her Elmo bucket. She would just walk to anyone and say "treat please" and if they did not listen...it was a louder MORE! Hilarious. We had an incredible evening and as tired as we were and as hard as it was the next morning to brush the glitter out of the fairy's hair. We will do it all again.

Aiden was the Baby Einstein's "Blah" dragon. That probably does not mean anything to anyone, however it does to some family members. When Alexis was little her Nana got her the book of Blah Dragon and it says "blah" over and over again and plays 2 other songs. We were on a trip to their house one time and this little girl played that book song 27 times. It would end...she would start it over. Needless to say, big sister loved the dragon brother!

Hope you all enjoy the following picture posts and remember that it does not matter what day it is we can always use these days to minister to those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Saviour. I say that is what these churches did. Took a pagan holiday and loved on families.
Love God...Love People!

Hope to have birthday party pix up soon!

Dylan, Aiden & Alexis getting ready to head out to the neighbors and begin their evening of fun!

Alexis and her daddy at yet another "trunk or treat"!

Dylan and his carving pumpkin! Isn't he just the cutest with that big grin!

This my friends is Ashley Kate and I at the Fall Fest at Sunnycrest. All you need to know is that this beautiful young lady is considered my younger sister. We have been through a lot through the years and I love her!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Here is Alexis. She is sooo BIG. She will be 2 next week. It is so hard to believe. She loves to watch Bambi currently. (It is not a great day unless we have at least watched it twice!) You all would love her energy.

My kiddos...

Here is Aiden! This is his 5 month photo. I'm tellin' ya he is always smiling (unless tired or hungry of course!) He is a high maintenance boy though. Loves to be talked to.


I hope everyone went out and exercised their right to vote. BUT, OH MY WORD! Can I just express my frustration with doing my civic duty. I count it an honor to go to the polls and vote. I actually become pretty excited about voting. However, I had to get a sitter because I waited an hour and forty-five minutes. Yes, you read correctly. Then, to top it off Matt had to wait two hours and fifty-five minutes. Craziness! Hopefully, we as voters can do something to change this. My family in KY didn't have to wait at all. I wonder if it is just IN! The things that make you go hmmm!
Whatever the results, we must PRAY for our nation. Now more than ever. It is imperative that we go before the Lord and pray on their behalf. For all of our leaders and pastors! I am praying that God is glorified and that our country can come back to Christ!

Here we go!

Well, I have wanted to start this blog for some time now. With 2 small kids, sometimes it is hard to get computer time to myself. The first picture I am adding was taken this past summer. Just wanted everyone to see our lovely family. I will do my best to post often so everyone can keep updated.